ProgrammeProgramme Conférence GDR PHYCOTOX / GIS Cyano IUEM (Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer) Brest, 31 Mars – 2 Avril 2015 Le programme complet et le book of abstracts sont d'ores et déjà téléchargeable Mardi 31 mars
9h30 – Café de bienvenue et inscription 10h-10h45 – Ouverture (H. Hégaret, R. Siano, D. Latour, P. Hess)
SESSION 1 : Interaction micro algues toxiques et organismes marins (Chair : Philippe Soudant)
10h45 - 11h30 – Conférence plénière Pedro R. Costa: Transfer of biotoxins in the marine food web: case studies from the Portuguese coast (p. 9)
11h30-11h45 – Cochennec Laureau Nathalie, Retho M., Chauvin J., Fleury E. Histological study of the accumulation and depuration of king scallop, Pecten maximus, during toxic outbreak of Pseudo-nitzchia spp. in South Brittany, France (p. 15) 11h30 - 11h45 – Le Gal Dominique, Terre Terrillon A., Derrien A., Gouriou J., Duval A., Le Gall C., Le Bec C. Pecten maximus and domoic acid: a few questions(p. 16) 11h45 - 12h00 – Boullot Floriane, Benoit E., Castrec J., Hégaret H., Boudry P., Soudant P., Fabioux C. Characterization of the voltage-gated sodium channel and its isoforms in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas: link with its sensitivity to paralytic shellfish toxins produced by Alexandrium minutum (p. 17) 12h00 - 12h15 – Lassudrie Malwenn, Fabioux C., Soudant P., Lambert C., Le Goïc N., Wikfors G.H., Sunila I., Nicolas J. L., Miner P., Le Grand J., Hégaret H. Combined effects of toxic dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium and pathogens on bivalve physiology (p. 18)
Repas (pris au Restaurant Universitaire)
SESSION 2 : Ecologie des microalgues (Chair : Rodolphe Lemée)
14h00 -14h45 – Conférence plénière Urban Tillmann: Diversity of Amphidomataceae, the dinophycean source of azaspiracid toxin (p. 10)
14h45 - 14h30 – Ternon Eva, Calabro K., Botana L., Thomas O. Approches en écologie chimique chez les micro-algues toxiques (p. 19) 15h00 - 15h15 – Nézan E., Chomérat Nicolas., Lemonnier H., Goraguer H., Bilien G., Boulben S., Chèze K. Ichthyotoxic micro-algae and sustainable aquaculture (p. 20) 15h15 - 15h30 – Humbert Jean François, Gugger M., Pancrace C., Calteau A., Barny M. A., Pédron J. Live free or attached: the dilemma of Planktothrix (p. 21) 15h30 - 15h45 – Gerphagnon Melanie, Latour D., Sime-Ngando T. Spatio-temporal variations in the fungal parasitism of cyanobacteria (p. 22) 15h45 - 16h00 – Le Gland G., Sourisseau M., Chapelle A., Plus Martin A model of Alexandrium minutum blooms in inter-specific competition. A trait-based modelling Approach (p. 23) 16h00 - 16h15 – Leboulanger C., Ader M., Agogué H., Bouvy M., Cadeau P., Cellamare M., Duval C., Fouilland E., Got P., Jézéquel D., Le Floc’h E., Sarazin G., Bernard Cécile Cyanobacteria in Lake Dziani Dzaha, a potential analog of Precambrian oceans (p. 24) 16h15 - 16h30 – Siano Raffaele, Chapelle A., Antoine V., Chauvin J., Rigaut-Jalabert F., Guillou L., Hégaret H., Leynaert A., Curd A. Citizen participation in monitoring phytoplankton seawater discolorations (p. 25)
Pause café SESSION 3 : Toxines des microalgues (Chair : Valérie Fessard)
17h00 - 17h15 –Arnich Nathalie, Fessard Valérie, Biré Ronel, SialehaamoaA. Presentation of the FOODCYANO project (p. 26) 17h15 - 17h30 – Limon G., Cabon A., Sénant A., Cozic Valérie, Durand G. Risk evaluation of shellfish consumption due to toxin presence. Exposition evaluation and contribution of danger characterization (p. 27) 17h30 - 17h45 – Gatti Clémence, Darius H. T., Roué M., Lonati D., Sibat-Dubois M., Savar V., Amzil Z., Chinain M. Novel case report of a Ciguatera Shellfish Poisoning cluster following the consumption of Techtus niloticus (Gastropod) in French Polynesia (p. 28) 17h45 - 18h00 –Réveillon Damien, Abadie E., Savar V., Séchet V., Bardouil M., Masseret E., Brient L., Hess P., Amzil Z. BMAA and isomers in samples from Thau lagoon and in mollusks from other French coasts (Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean sites) (p. 29) 18h00 - 18h15 – Mondeguer Florence, Abadie E., Hervé F., Deschamps L., Bardouil M., Séchet V., Raimbault V., Berteaux T., Zendong Z., Palvaudau H., Amzil Z., Hess P. Pinnatoxin-G: analytical methodology, distribution in Mediterranean lagoons and accumulation in mussels (Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis) (p. 30) 18h15 - 18h30 – Aráoz Romulo, Huguet A., Pelissier F., Hess P., Servent D., Molgo J., Fessard V. Pinnatoxin bioaccumulation in mussels exposed to Vulcanodinium rugosum (p. 31)
Apéritif dinatoire offert à la Bibliothèque la Pérouse Mercredi 1 Avril
SESSION 4 : Toxines de microalgues (Chair : Nathalie Arnich)
9h00 - 9h45 – Conférence plénière Aurelia Tubaro : Emerging palytoxin analogues: the opinion of the toxicologist (p. 11)
9h45 - 10h00 – Fessard Valérie, Huguet H., Hogeveen K., Lanceleur R., Sialehaamoa A., Pelissier F., Mondeguer F., Sosa S., Tubaro A., Aráoz R., Molgó J. Investigation on the toxic effects and intestinal crossing of pinnatoxin-A and -G and of extracts of Vulcanodinium rugosum cultures (p. 32) 10h00 - 10h15 – Aráoz R., Ouanounou G., Iorga B. I., Goudet A., Alili D., Amar M., Benoit E., D. Servent D.,Molgó Jordi How 13,19-didesmethyl and 13-desmethyl spirolide C phycotoxins affect the cholinergic function? Pharmacological studies on nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors(p. 33) 10h15 - 10h30 – Alarcan Jimmy, Le Hégarat L., Hessel S., Lampen A., Fessard V. Effect of co-exposure to marine lipophilic biotoxins on the intestinal barrier, bioactivation and molecular mode of actions (p. 34) 10h30 - 10h45 – Enora Briand, Bormans M., Gugger M., Dorrestein P., Gerwick W. Changes in secondary metabolic profiles of Microcystis aeruginosa strains in response to intraspecific interaction (p. 35)
Pause café
SESSION 5: Toxines des microalgues (Chair : Malwenn Lassudrie)
11h15 - 11h30 –Mazzeo Antonia, Zendong Z., Hess P., Tartaglione L., Forino M., Ciminiello P., Dell’Aversano C. Extraction of palytoxins from seawater and preliminary stability studies (p. 36) 11h30 - 11h45 – Le Manach S., Khenfech N., Huet H., Demenou B., Qiao Q., Duval D., Arul M., Bolbach G., Clodic G., Djediat C., Bernard C., Edery E., Benjamin Marie Gender-specific toxicological effects of chronic exposure to pure microcystin-LR or complexe Microcystis extracts on the liver of adult medaka fish revealed by anatomopathology and proteomics (p. 37) 11h45 - 12h00 – Borcier Elodie, Morvezen R., Miner P., Le Souchu P., Fabioux C., Le Goïc N.,Cassonne A.L., Lambert C., Lassudrie M., Richard G., Guillonneau R., Charrier G., Laroche J., Boullot F., Muir F., Nunes F., Harney E., Huvet A., Soudant P., Boudry P., Hégaret H. Impacts of two strains of Alexandrium minutum on behavior and growth of king scallops Pecten maximus (p. 38) 12h00 - 12h15 – Abi-Khalil Célina, Lopez-Joven C., Abadie E., Savar V., Amzil Z., Laabir M., Rolland J. L. Effect of Alexandrium catenella on mortality of the oyster Crassostrea gigas (p. 39) 12h15 - 12h30 – Rolton Anne , Vignier J., Volety A., Donaghy L., Shumway S., Bricelj M. , Pierce R., Henry M., Soudant P. Effect of Karenia brevis exposure on the reproductive and related physiological processes of Crassostrea virginica (p. 40)
Repas (pris au Restaurant Universitaire)
SESSION 6 : Ecologie des microalgues (Chair : Delphine Latour)
14h00 - 14h45 – Conférence plénière Marisa Silva : Emergent neurotoxins in North Atlantic temperate waters and new vectors (p. 12)
14h45 - 15h00 – Legrand Benjamin, Latour D., Thouvenot A., Sabart M. Seasonal life cycle repartition of a Nostocale Cyanobacteria (Anabaena macrospora) in an eutrophic lake (Aydat, France) (p. 41) 15h00 - 15h15 – Guellati F. Zohra, Saoudi A., Kadri S., Bensouila M. First reporting of Planktothrix rubescens bloom in Algeria in the Bouhamdan dam (p. 42) 15h15 - 15h30 – Lemée Rodolphe, Fricke A., Jauzein C., Mangialajo L. Development of the toxic benthic dinoflagellate genus Ostreopsis in Mediterranean Sea and the associated M3-HABs European project (p. 43) 15h30 - 15h45 – Jauzein Cécile, Fricke A. , Mangialajo L., Lemée R. Optimization of sampling and counting techniques for the monitoring of benthic toxic dinoflagellates: focus on the genus Ostreopsis (p. 44) Pause café
SESSION 7 : Ecologie des microalgues (Chair : Laure Guillou)
16h15 - 16h30 – Artigas Luis Felipe, Bonato S., Créach V., Didry M., Gómez F., Guiselin N., Hamad D., Hébert P. Houliez E., Lefebvre A., Lampert L., Lizon F., Poisson-Caillault E., Prévost E., Rijkeboer M.,Thyssen M.,Veen A., Rutten T., Wacquet G. Monitoring of phytoplankton and Harmful Algal Blooms in coastal waters by combining innovative semi-automated tools (scanning flow cytometry & spectral fluorometry) (p. 45) 16h30 - 16h45 – Lefebvre Alain, Neaud-Masson N., Maurer D., Wacquet G., Grosjean P., Colas F., Tardivel M., Artigas L.-F., Belin C. Optimization of the monitoring strategy for the French National Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins Network (REPHY) using semi-automated digital images analysis (p. 46) 16h45 - 17h00 – Wacquet Guillaume, Grosjean P., Hamad D., Lefebvre A., Neaud-Masson N., Colas F., Maurer D., Artigas L.- F., Belin B. Zoo/PhytoImage: current advances in the semi-automated classification of plankton digital images (p. 47) 17h00 - 17h15 – Colas Florent, Crassous M.-P., Lunven M., Compère C. Underwater Surface Plasmon Resonance sensor for the detection of marine biotoxin (p. 48) 17h15 - 17h30 – Zendong Zita, Abadie E., Sibat-Dubois M., Herrenknecht C., Jauzein C., Lemée R., Gouriou J., Amzil Z., Hess P. The memory of seawater: passive sampling for the profiling of algal toxins in lagoons and open coastal seas (p. 49)
17h30 - 18h00 – Assemblée Générale GDR Phycotox
18h00 - 20h00 – Session Poster + Apéritif offert par Novakits
20h00 – Diner : Repas de crêpes bretonnes offert à l’IUEM
Jeudi 2 Avril SESSION 8 : Ecologie des microalgues (Chair : Raffaele Siano)
09h00 - 9h45 – Conférence plénière Shauna Murray : Molecular tools in HAB ecology and seafood safety monitoring (p. 13)
09h45 - 10h00 – Dia Aliou, Guillou L., Mauger S., Bigeard E., Marie D., Valéro M., Destombe C. Population genetics reveal limited gene flow at regional scale of the toxic phytoplanktonic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum (p. 50) 10h00 - 10h15 – Le Gac Mickaël, Destombe D., Guillou L., Siano R., Valéro M., Chapelle A. Intraspecific diversity and incipient speciation in Alexandrium minutum (p. 51) 10h15 - 10h30 – Sabart Marion, Lesobre J., Legrand B., Crenn K., Sabatier P., Colombet J., Latour D. First evidence of anatoxin-a genes in several freshwater lakes in France: spatio-temporal diversity and phylogenetic affiliation of the sequences (p. 52) 10h30 - 10h45 – Chapelle A., Alves-de-Souza C., Labry L., Sourisseau M., Guallar Morillo C., Gobet A., Morin P., Destombe C., Siano R., Lepelletier F., Dia A., Marie D., Bigeard E., Romaric V., Jeanthon C., Guillou Laure Evolutionary processes may increase or attenuate blooming capacity of aquatic microbes (p. 53)
Pause café
SESSION 9 : Ecologie des microalgues (Chair : Philipp Hess)
11h15 - 11h30 – Audrey Mat, Massabuau J. C., Tran D. Alexandrium minutum disrupts cyclic activity at behavioral and gene transcription levels in the oyster Crassostrea gigas (p. 54) 11h30 - 11h45 – Delegrange Alice, Lefebvre A., R. Amar R., Courcot L., Vincent D. Seasonal variability of Pseudo-nitzschia sp. and domoic acid concentrations in the Southern Bight of the North Sea (p. 55) 11h45 - 12h00 – Thorel M., Claquin C., Juliette Fauchot Life cycle in Pseudo-nitzschia spp.: species-specific control of the induction of sexual reproduction (p. 56) 12h00 - 12h15 – Lefebvre Alain, Poisson-Caillault E., Rousseeuw K. Spatio-temporal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass in the English Channel: high resolution strategy and modelling using unsupervised classification and Hidden Markov Model (p. 57)
12h15 - 12h30 – Présentations des ateliers (Raffaele Siano & Delphine Latour + animateurs des ateliers)
Repas (pris au Restaurant Universitaire)
14h00 - 16h30 – Ateliers
17h00 - 18h00 – Restitution des ateliers
18h00 – Clôture de la conférence |